So you've reached out to us about booking a session...what happens now?
We are so excited that you're interested in booking a session with us!
Now that you've let us know your contact info, I will be reaching out within the next day or two to schedule a phone call with you. If this makes you cringe, no worries! This isn't a sales call where I try to convince you to book a session - this is merely an informational phone call so we can meet over the phone, I can introduce myself, get to know you a little and what your goals are for your session, share the process with you, and give you a general overview of how this works so that you can make a more informed decision about whether or not you'd like to work with us!
If during our phone call you decide we are definitely the photography team for you, we can work out a date and get you on the books right then and there! If you still need some time to think about it, or decide we aren't a good fit, that's OK too!
Our goal is to ensure the entire process for you, from booking your session to getting your images, is seamless, super easy, and fun for you! We are here to serve you and make your photography-session dreams come true!
I'm looking forward to chatting with you soon!